Jeff & Esther

A friend from work had asked me to make a cake for her son and her soon to be daughter in law's shower. She wanted thirty pops and the colors were tentatively hot pink and black - YAY! Wait, what? Tentative? She would let me know. Oh no - what if I get this cake in my head with the pink and black and she decides she wants brown and yellow? ACK! Ok, breathe, relax, those colors don't look bad together at all but I still did my happy dance in my head when she said it was a go for the pink and black! Yes, I know, I know - I can't focus so much on two colors - but they really do look beautiful together!  S o I started to work on the cake and the original ribbon that I had picked out was nice and sparkly but just wasn't what I had in mind for the cake - so off to Michael's I go in search for the perfect ones - BINGO! I found them along with the flower I want to try as the topper instead of just the ribbon. So as I am putting my cake together I am trying to also think of a saying that can go around the cake - do I want it to be about love? Romance? The wedding? I have plenty of time to do an online search for quotes.

A few days later, I am still trying to find that special quote - HOLY COW! I didn't realize how hard it would be to find a quote suitable for two people whom I have never really met! I caught a glimpse of the newly engaged son one day when he came in the office to see his mother,  and got to meet the bride to be when she came in to see her future mother in law and I happened to be covering the reception desk 

 So here I am at 7 am this morning with a hot cup of joe, sitting at the kitchen table with a huge book of quotes that my husband handed off last night around 11 pm, my  laptop is open with about six different tabs open - all searching Google for the ever elusive quote. I even went so far as to pull out all my Love Is.. clippings trying to get some sort of spark out of any of them. Nope, that didn't work, and I didn't think my friend would like it so much if I called her at that early of an hour just to ask her if she had any suggestions, so I kept searching. One quote kept coming up in just about every search I did, and each time I read it I thought to myself that, that just might be the quote I am looking for! It was! It was perfect! 

But there was something missing!

The heart! :) I also made Heart Poppers for this cake - I have a few changes I am going make the next time I make them - but for a first time try at making them I think they came out pretty darned good and I know my friend was happy and promised pictures of the cake with pops tomorrow for me!